How to use
About for Paramedics helps paramedics respond to palliative care calls and expands their capacity to provide quality care. The first seven modules provide paramedics with:
- tactics to support patients and families in acute grief before and after a death
- strategies to intervene sensitively
- guidance to constructively manage work-related grief and the other stresses of working with people at end of life.
There is also a module for your friends and family to help them understand and respond to the stresses of your career.
Your words and actions matter. They significantly impact your patients and their families and have the potential to make a positive (or negative) impact for years to come.
In addition to improving your understanding of grief and the factors affecting it, the modules debunk common misunderstandings that can negatively impact your ability to deliver compassionate and effective care. The content provides direction from the moment you walk in the door through to post-call reflections to assist you in providing the highest quality care.
Who are the modules for?
This toolbox is relevant to paramedics at all stages of their career, from students to veterans, with some specialized content tailored to paramedics' friends and family members. This content can also be applied to calls when someone has died and family or others are in distress.
Research shows that the majority of people working in healthcare experience work-related grief. A number of factors can impact grief becoming complex or prolonged. They include: witnessing multiple traumas, developing a personal connection to the patients or family, your own history of grief and how you acknowledge and attend to your grief.
Who developed was developed by national and international grief experts and front line paramedics (see Contributors). It complements existing professional training, counselling or related health care services.
How do I use
There are eight modules available as an open resource for you to refer to as you need in your clinical practice. You may navigate them in any order.
You are encouraged to review them all for a thorough understanding of how to support patients and families and to better understand and process any work-related grief stress you are experiencing now or may encounter in the future.
Model eight was developed for your family and friends. Please share it with them. They may recognize the grief-related work stresses before you do. Early identification and intervention often prevents future complications such as clinical depression or workplace burnout.
Is approved for continuing education credits?
Canadian Virtual Hospice is working diligently with provincial paramedic associations and regulators across Canada to obtain approval of my for continuing education credits.
To receive a certificate of completion
- Create an account. Always log in to your registered account. If you review modules without logging in, your progress will not be recorded.
- Complete modules one through seven by viewing all module pages and completing each module survey.
- The system will automatically create a certificate of completion. Please save it for your records.
- NOTE: Completion of module 8 (Suggestions for family and friends of paramedics) is not required for a certificate of completion. You are welcome to review the content.
Please refer to your local professional accrediting body for more information on continuing education eligibility and how to submit your proof of completion.
A note about language
For content flow, the term “patient” is used throughout to refer to the person who is seriously ill or dying. The term “family” encompasses all those in the patient’s care network or who may be impacted by their illness or death. It is a fundamental tenet of quality palliative care that paramedics see the patient as a person first and foremost.
Is there a charge for using
There is no charge for Canadians to use
Getting started
Note: If you want to receive a certificate of completion, be sure to create an account and log in before working through the modules.
Each module is supplemented with video clips from Canadian paramedics and experts in palliative care and grief.
- Click on the play > button to start
- To view full screen click the four arrows icon in the right bottom corner
- Press esc (escape) button to exit full screen.
Interactive features
Some of the pages have interactive features, including content sliders, flip boxes, and pop-up boxes that will provide more in-depth information.
Tools for Clinical Practice
Conversation prompts, specific language and strategies (embedded within the eight modules) are provided for paramedics to integrate into their practice when supporting patients, family and friends who are grieving.
There are no tests or exams in Questions for reflection have been provided to support integrating the content into your clinical practice. Each module also contains multiple links to helpful resources to learn more.
What if I become distressed?
The content may evoke uncomfortable or strong emotions. If this happens, you may wish to stop viewing the module and attend to yourself (you can return to the content later). You may want to contact a trusted colleague or friend or a supportive counsellor. You can also connect with a health professional by selecting our Ask a Professional feature to pose a confidential question. A member of the Canadian Virtual Hospice interdisciplinary clinical team will respond within three business days (not including Canadian statutory holidays).
What is the survey at the end of the sections?
Your feedback helps us to improve The survey at the end of each section has a few questions and takes about two minutes to complete. Your response tells us what is working well and what needs to be improved. It will guide upgrades and informs our funders about the impact of their investment.
Can I use on my cellphone or tablet? is compatible with all platforms. You can scroll through it using cellphones, tablets, personal computers and all browsers.
What if I have questions?
If you have questions regarding the content, you can use our Ask a Professional feature. A member of the Canadian Virtual Hospice team will respond within three business days (not including Canadian statutory holidays).
What if I have technical problems?
While we have made every effort to ensure a positive user experience, we know that technical difficulties can occur. If you have trouble accessing, logging in, or with any of the content, please contact There is no charge for technical support for
Disclaimer and Privacy provides general guidance for paramedics for understanding and supporting families in acute grief and outlines practical strategies to sensitively intervene. This information is not meant to replace professional services. Individuals who use this content do so by their own choice. While care has been taken to ensure that this course reflects the state of general knowledge and expert consensus about end-of-life and grief at the date of publication, Canadian Virtual Hospice does not make any warranty or guarantee in respect to any of the contents or information in nor accept responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors or omissions, regardless of whether those errors or omissions were made negligently or otherwise. For further information, view our Privacy Policy and Legal Notices.